Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Broken Hearts, Broken Minds, Broken souls

One building on the next until despair is our daily reality. A difficult cycle to break, but once you realize that the breakage is a result of others, we can rise above. You have been left in an emotional wake. A wake built by what we think the world should be; portrayed to us by others. You must realize that what ever it is, it is simply a minor set back.

OK I will admit that some seem like major set backs, but you need to realize that we all face them. You are not alone, you are OK. You are on this earth for a reason, a very good reason, if your heart is breaking, if your mind is fading and if your soul is sinking into the abyss, what is happening is you have forgotten about who you are. The set back is a way of letting us know we are on the wrong track. I find we sometimes rely too heavily on others to define us. When we don't live up to others definitions, the questions and self doubt start.

Seldom do our plans turn out the way we like, but we had a plan, go make another plan. Loved ones and friends let us down, jobs don't pan out, companies fail, we loose someone close, our enemies win the battle. But we must be realistic and open to setbacks or we will indeed become a casualty, a statistic, another part of the headlines.

Some say life is eternal, but let's face it, most of us are more concerned with the here and now. It narrows our vision. As unpopular as my opinion my be, the lord above is not your savior, YOU are. We may find some strength in a heavenly entity, but at the end of the day, it is us and our actions or inaction's that set our course. We let minor annoyances consume us, we allow ourselves to be pushed through transitions by inertia, instead of picking ourselves up and making a new plan.

Life may not be easy, it is not a video game, we don't win at every level. But until you take your last breath, you have a purpose, you just haven't realized it yet, or temporarily forgotten it, and you have worried too much about what everybody else thinks your direction should be. The path to broken soul is the easy path that anyone can take, but you are always being led down that path by someone or thing other than you. Right now, you need to find your path. The one that is inside us all. You're OK! Don't let them win.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Gift

If someone offers you a gift, and you decide not to accept it, whose gift does it then become?

The answer is the giver of the gift retains possession.

The same goes for insults, rude comments, criticism and manipulation. So if you refuse to accept their gifts, the abuse stays right with them. Know that you do not have to accept gifts of this kind, and in fact those that are trying to give them to you deserve to get them returned, even without a receipt.

Yet even gifts with positive intent can bear treacherous content under their attractive wrapper.
Politicians run into this all the time. Campaign dollars come from those expected some manner of return for the gifts they bestow. Similarly, an expense paid trip to Disney of the Bahamas may be an attractive gift indeed, but if in return your parents of in laws expect to be able to drop by anytime, name your first born, or tell you what friends you should be hanging out with, you need to reconsider the Bahama Hook.

Yet we continue to feel obliged to accept all gifts, and feel indebted to comply with future demands. Demands that in our mind may exceed the value of the initial gift. The result is a departure from being true to ourselves.

Trust me, soon enough you will be able to manifest all gifts that you desire on your own, and probably quicker and with less mental wrapping paper than if you accept the manipulative gift giving event.

If you would like to get the entire audio book, fourteen chapters in all, before it hits commercial distribution, feel free to visit the books website
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