Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dark Energy Part II

So how did your reflection on the three scenarios go? In the first scenario you may argue that your eyes and ears provided all the information you needed to process the situation and stimulate your resultant thoughts and physical reactions. But what if that your response was founded in energies that were transferred from a prior experience built off your individual natural energy contained within your DNA at birth? That would explain many things. You may have received these energy scripts from past arguments that you observed in person, in a movie or on Television. You may have even found yourself in one such argument in your life and the response was recorded deep into your energetic memory banks located all throughout your body. Note that all experiences are recorded in this way, the good the bad, the mundane and the traumatic.
Your reaction to the scene is the result of the brain searching these energetic blueprints and pulling the most appropriate file to respond, sending millions of electronic impulses throughout our bodies and beyond, mostly without us needing to really think too much about it. In other words the energies that bombarded your body during some prior event(s), regardless of how long ago the event(s) took place, fire their energetic scripts again as Ivan Pavlov proved when trying to save a few bucks on dog food. A part of you has returned to the moment in history and the energy script from that event replays itself, merging with the current event to either strengthen or diminish the earlier blue print. The current moment is rarely the same as the last and how the energy flows is still ultimately under your control. But the initial response, the fight or flight, has to be built off an existing script. Without this wonderful human element we would not have lasted long in a world of predators and we could certainly never remember a language or learn to play an instrument. To bring it back home, if the energy imprints we have received let’s say from our parents, intentionally or unintentionally, has an energy script that doubts our abilities to do or be something, chances are that this engrained, self-defeating, negative energy script will fire first. How often it is fired, and how often it is affirmed, will determine how difficult the frequency is to alter and the ultimate physical and mental impacts that will result.
What was your recollection of the last scenario, who was the confrontation with? Who was in the position of power, who was the subordinate? As in a confrontation with parents, older sibling, bosses or authority figures, you can see how which side of the debate we are on influences the charge of the energy and the nature of the transference. You can be the recipient of negative energy or you can be the originator. Regardless of whether you won or lost a particular debate there was an impact to your beliefs. You either became more resolved in your belief or you began to further question them. If stronger you will approach future situations with greater confidence than if you perceive that you lost the last exchange. Your energetic blueprint will provide a powerful, grounded and more confident base. The opposite, as always, is possible. Negative bombardments can build on layers of prior imprints solidifying the damaging energetic frequency of the script. This is but one example of how dark energy functions.
There is also an important middle ground that may present itself in future similar situations in that you may overcompensate during the next similar exchange. You may realize the fragile nature of your opponent and soften or you may become more aggressive to overcome a perceived loss or weakness. Note that in these situations you are, through conscious intent, working to alter the energy script, this is the same way protections work.
Now back to the other two scenarios from Part I. In the second scenario, no one was physically apparent in the room, there was little for your dominant senses to respond to. Perhaps the room was a little warmer than normal, or perhaps the air was a little stale from all the bodily exhalations that took place and perhaps the energetic waves were still reverberating off the walls. While we do not consciously detect these manifestations, our mind and body are none the less picking them up, and the search for a script to fire begins.
As for the last scenario, where you found the strength to calm the storm, you obviously had the benefit of a strong energy script. This script, also built off a past experience, served as a defense, a shield in that you produced your own counteracting waves to meet the Dark frequencies and transform their wavelength. Your emanations also served as an energetic bucket of water to interrupt their intention.
Now let’s recall a more subtle crossing that we have all had, a time when you have felt the energy when someone entered a room. The energy that was being exuded reaches you and you had a reaction, either subliminal or intense, either good or bad. That reaction sent a return wave of energy back along the same path to either reinforce or counter the energy flow from the other person. And, you guessed it; this can be either Dark or Light energy frequencies, all typically occurring below our conscious level of thought. Have you ever simply looked at someone and made and assumption as to their character, status or potential? Of course you have. What you may also realize is that the person you are looking at in turn may be making assumptions of your character, status or potential. So is it not reasonable to conclude that these thoughts set up intention, which in turn results in some level of energy exchange or transference. As this energetic volley occurs, your scripts are fired and an opportunity to affirm or alter them presents itself.
So we have seen that energy can be transferred between people, among groups of people and that we can consciously influence both the energy we send and the energy we receive. There is however ambiguity to these points of clarity, that being, did the impact radiate Light or Dark energies? When we stand up for a cause or win a battle, few would declare that they were the ones on the dark side, but there are obviously two or more interviews to be had. So what is the collective energy in your household, your work place, your community, your country and our world? Can you personally influence it? You already do, whether you acknowledge it or not. How you influence it, and how it in turn influences you, is the intent of this entire series.
To take us to the next level we need to think deeper about the detection of energy frequencies to which our primary senses are not attuned, those we cannot consciously discern and their source which, like the ones generating the signals received by your cellular phone, we are not even near. These energies surround us and they are indeed detected by our body, our mind and our soul, and they can produce the same responses. An example of this is contained in a simple question for you to ponder. Have you ever felt the need to call someone, regardless of their location, and when you did come to learn that they were calling you at the same moment? This may not have been sheer coincidence. As in our scenario with the energetic battlefields in part I, our thoughts and intentions can be very powerful indeed.
Now let’s bring water back into the equation for some scientific validity. While the space around us is mostly empty space, the mass of our bodies is comprised primarily of water. In just one of a growing number of experiments Dr. Emoto of Japan exposed water to different music and light and then photographed the individual water molecules crystallized under a microscope. In two continuing experiments he first collected water samples from different areas of the globe and next collected samples from jars onto which he had placed a simple word on the outside which were then observed by random passersby. The results are to say the least thought provoking. You can see a video highlighting the experiments here Emoto Water. (If the link does not work, simply go to You Tube and type in Emoto) Remembering that by mass, human cells consist of 65–90% water2, and that this experiment shows that energy frequency set up by intent can influence the molecular structure of water, there is little doubt that the energy, in which we bathe each day, has a definitive impact on our species. Is it a stretch to connect the collective energies of our environments causally to our life experiences and further to mental and physical afflictions?
My intent is not to make you paranoid about barrages of negative energetic frequencies from those wishing to do you harm or to provide you with an excuse to blame your parents, your siblings, your boss or your neighbors dog for all your shortcomings and ailments. The intent is to grow awareness and to engage you in an active campaign of both sending positive energy and in creating environments that nurture our minds, our bodies, our souls and indeed our world.
Still however, there is a major stumbling block that we have not fully nailed down. Again, how do we know, or more so who decides on, what is Light and what is Dark? In the next part we will delve into perspectives that encompass and transcend our common thoughts of Light and Dark that may help to move us to a higher plane of consciousness. Few could argue that the current state of affairs on our planet does not demand it.
“Only through the darkness can you see the light!”
Up Next - Part III – A world unto the Divine